Monday, March 9, 2009

Chatter Cat . . .

My little kitty, Mathilda, is insane, I just want that perfectly clear! We have lots of fun games we play but her favorite by far is the laser pointer! She just LOVES chasing that stupid red dot around, but when I bring it out, she does this weird, insane 'chattering' thing! I've never seen another cat do this and during laser fun is the ONLY time she does it!!! So now I have her conditioned to the point that if I imitate her chattering thing, she KNOWS I am getting the red dot out and she goes and gets into a crouching position and sometimes even starts her nutty chattering before the laser is even out yet!

please excuse the terrible camera work . . . it's hard to play laser pointer guy and camera guy at the same time!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. okay that is awesome..I gotta go out and get one for my kitty now...

  3. i dont think i'll ever post a video of that J.B, sorry!

    hey Calvin Cave guy, i have yet to see a cat who didnt love the laser pointer! even my mom's 18 year-old half-blind-all-deaf kitty still goes after the bloody thing!!! just dont shine it in your kitty's eyes!!!

  4. But you were the one who brought up your chatter imitation -- just wanted a demo....knew you wouldn't do it...*eyeroll* ;P

  5. My cats make that chattering noise when they see birds out the window.
