Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My B-Day, woo hoo!!!

Yup, another year older, another year wiser, ummmm, well the first part is certain, dont know about the second part! A few of my fave Hollywood Goddesses to celebrate!

Ahhhhhh, Suzie . . . there will be a full-blown tribute to this gorgeous red-haired lady in the near future. This was scanned from a small promotional postcard.

Sherilyn Fenn, a more contemporary goddess but a goddess just the same! Very possibly this pic was taken by George Hurrell, but I'm not certain of that. She has incredibly striking eyes no matter who takes the picture!

A rather intense Hurrell portrait of Joan Crawford! George took the finest pictures of Joan, some truly amazing examples of studio still photography.

"Gilda, are you decent?"

Another really nice shot of Lana!

One of my favorite early pics of Janet Leigh. What a beauty!

I think this pic says all anyone needs to know about Joan Blondell's onscreen persona! I'd sure love to think it matched her offscreen one as well! Joan is a gem of an actress, totally competent in drama or comedy, had style to burn and looks to match it and is just plain FUN to see in a film! And she made a LOT of them so she shows up all over the place, especially in the 30's. A biography finally came out about her and I really want to get it as I'm sure her life was quite interesting! I did read her novel though, "Center Door Fancy", a few years ago, very good book!


  1. superb!!! Lana just breaks all the moulds, she is drop dead gorgeous. and that Sherilynn Fenn one's a corker, too.

    happy birthday, geezer. hope it's a cracker.

  2. Aww! Two months ago I remembered your birthday and promised myself I wouldn't forget when it came around. And, of course, I did! oops....So here's hoping you had an unbearably happy 50th!!! (right? ....Or is that next year?) :D wahhahahahahaha jb

  3. Artman,

    A fantastic display of feminine pulchritude!
    That is one enticing pix of Joan Blondell! As we have discrussed so often, she is an incredible, somewhat forgotten jewel that enhanced so many Warner Bothers films...about 50 films in less than 8 years (1930-37)...and there were plenty of other films and TV after that!

    I bet you she was a lot of fun!
