Friday, July 17, 2009

Happy B-day James Cagney!

I'm right now VERY busy getting some artwork ready for the local show I do here every year but today woulda been Cagney's 110th b-day so I MUST post a few pics to celebrate!

I missed the Cagney fest on TCM this afternoon (had to work, god I hate that!) but I DID manage to see a short film he made at MGM in 1943 that I had never seen before! It was called "You, John Jones" , his co-stars were Ann Sothern and little Margaret O'Brien and it was directed by Mervyn LeRoy! Very cool to see some new Cagney on his b-day!!!

So now the only Cagney films I havent seen are: "The Millionaire (1931) , "Great Guy" (1936) , "Johhny Come Lately" (1943) , "The Seven Little Foys" (1955) , "Shake Hands with the Devil (1959) , "The Gallant Hours (1960) , "Ragtime" (1981) and the made for TV film "Terrible Joe Moran" (1984)

So often playing the tough guy but Jimmy could dance and sing and was a gifted comedian as well. And few actors could rattle off dialogue as fast as he could!

"Made it MA!...Top of the World!"
Thank You James!

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