Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sheeeee's Baaaaaack!

The Continuing Adventures of Mathilda a.k.a. "Little Miss Pewfy Pants"!


One of her fave resting places, overlooking the stairway so she can keep tabs on anyone coming in. Why she had her leg sticking out like that is anyone's guess!

Again with the Crazy Eyes!


A bit blurry but the look was classic so it's a keeper!

"I am Mathilda.... Hear Me Roar!"


  1. Yea!!!! My favorite of your various post subjects. Sorry, dear -- but your art takes a very close second.

    Looks like Mathilda tends to live life on the edge. I have a cat like that, too.


  2. She's gorgeous! Nice name, too- one of my dogs is called Mathilde. :)

  3. Geeez Paulie~

    Love Mathilde - and your place is stunning. A lot going on in that Paulie head ( BRAIN is not a nice place to be...? What?!! Hhmmm) Could spend all day in here - Old movies (yeah!), Art Deco, cp, - ok, well you really need some male pinups, Man; but whatever. *sigh* Simply gorgeous Ash cabinet, man. Good thing for you that you live in frigging Vermont, or I would be plying you with lasagne, pot roast and pulled pork for some help with the (invisible) kitchen island.... how do i subscribe to this thing? well, i'll figure it out.... Blog on!! -- Sooyen (aka Donna)

  4. Love the movie poster collection. Wow...Love cats, mines name is Fonzie...yes after Happy days :P

  5. I like her very much. She looks like a very cool kitty and I knows me some kitty. GREAT house too. Like a museum. Gotta love our obsessions.
