Saturday, November 7, 2009

New Artwork...

Having fun with Vampirella again, in color this time

Approx 10" x 16", all colored pencil on vellum surface Bristol paper. Parts of this look OK to me but I still like the pencil sketch better. I did learn a few new valuable techniques with solvents on this one so, as always, it was worth doing even if the end result isnt exactly what I was shooting for.


  1. Got to agree with the artist on this one. It's interesting in color. But I prefer the pencil, too -- I can feel more of the mood and better see the subtleties of her facial features in the pre-colorized sketch.

  2. Holy Sketcher Batman this is great! I do love the pencil but I also like this one. I love the background colors. Well done! :D:D
