Saturday, December 26, 2009

It's My Potty and I'll Cry If I Want To - The Final Chapter!

My bathroom is done!

Now we can Rock and Roll All Night and Potty Everyday!

The last Potty update I was just about to get started on the finish work for the mirror board and shelves that extend from each side of it...

Here's the mirror test fit in place, the "arms" all sanded and shaped and all of it ready for some veneer. All this work was done with hand tools and much cursing.

I used Tiger maple for each end and some bookmatched walnut burl for the center. I thought it would make a nice contrast.

Veneering can be done lots of different ways but the old school method is simply some clamping cauls and lots and lots of clamps. I used W. Patrick Edwards trusty "Old Brown Glue" for the veneering as it has a long open time which means I have plenty of time to mess around getting those clamps in place.

Here it is, veneer all trimmed, edges cleaned up and everything ready for stain and polyurethane.

And there it is installed in place, with the shelves attached. All that's left on that is to make the small blocks that cover the screws and it'll be ready to load up with trinkets, nick-nacks, doo-dads and kreplack, woo hoo!
I then spent several nights cutting mats, cleaning glass and getting a dozen or so pictures ready to hang.
I took the rest of these pics just a few hours ago...

That's a vintage bakelite tissue box cover on the terlet tank.

I hate blank walls!

This pic was taken standing in the shower.

The little wall by the closet door needed some dressing up too of course!

The view from my kitchen

And of course "Little Miss Pewfy Pants" had to have a color coordinated Booda dome! *sigh* now that her place of business is back where it belongs, we can live crappily ever after....

onto the next project...


  1. YEAHHHH!!!!! You must be so proud! You did a wonderful job. I love the little touches here and there. From the tissue box, the placement of the mirror, to diamond shapes on the wall to match the lights on either side and the clock.. Plus the wood ties it all in. You would never get bored sitting on the potty with all the artwork and knick knacks! And Pewfy Pants' little dome litter home is a nice touch! Thanks for sharing it all with us. :D

  2. A very well-appointed crapper.

  3. Lotus Flower - hell yeah i am proud! that was a LOT of work and i did ALL of it myself! what you said is the same thing everyone else who's seen it has said, i'll never get bored in there!!!
    many of the other little knick knacks are vintage as well. its amazing how much of that stuff has survived all these years, intact and in good shape. they sure built stuff to last back in those days.

    J.B as always, an eloquent comment, ty!

  4. That is the sweetest toilet ever. Almost a shame to drop the twins off at that pool. Of course the coolest thing is the litter box. I love the stairs. Very cool Artman.

  5. Fantastic looking...! LOVE all the pictures and how you have them arranged. Looks slick.

  6. Are you sure you're not a Frenchie, Artman? They too believe in the Shrine Bathroom and spend their lives perfecting it. I love the Gallery Crapper concept and all the little elegancies and improvements you've built in here. The only problem is, how can you ever bear to leave it?

  7. I could sit in there for a good while admiring the view.
