Sunday, December 6, 2009

Who Woulda Thunk It?!?!

"Dedicated to the Fifty!"

(My 50 blog followers that is! Thank you all for taking an interest!)


  1. Congrats my Brother...that is a hard fought fifty. I am sure I am one of them but if I not on the list please tell me. I can only see the first little list of them.

    My followers come easily because my scattered mind is all over the place. I appeal to a much larger demographic. Your choices about what to blog about reach a more niche audience that likes Old Hollywood the way you do. So with a smaller interest pool to pull from you still reached your first fifty. Quality wins out everytime. I admit even with my love of old Hollywood, I find out new things on your blog about it everyday which to me is a very cool thing. I love nothing more than adding to my storehouse of knowledge on subject that interest me.

    I appreciate the things we have in common and the way you always validate the stuff I do with your comments to my blog. Here's to fifty more and beyond.
