Thursday, March 11, 2010

Happy! Happy! Clara! Clara!

The Aura of the "IT" Girl is now in MY house!

This arrived yesterday, a vintage Clara Bow autograph, dated by her 1939, signed "Clara Bow Bell" (Mrs. Rex Bell she was at the time). To say I'm happy to have this in my posession is putting it extremly mildly! I was actually a bit overwhelmed when I opened the package yesterday!

Of course I have to post at least ONE pic and I thought this one appropo as this was the first picture of her that I ever saw. It's actually a tear out from an oversize movie star book that was falling apart but filled with great pictures printed on heavy paper suitable for display! It was given to me many years ago by my good friend Mr Door Tree. To this day her gaze in this pic totally mesmerizes me.



  1. Congratulations! It is always a thrill when one is holding onto a piece of paper, that at one point in time, was in that person's hands. There is nothing like capturing time with an autograph...What a thrill!!

  2. Wow, congrats! That's a an amazing find.

  3. Woo! More Clara! Where in your house will you display the autograph?

  4. Congrats! her handwriting is so classic looking too!

  5. TY all for taking the time to comment! i'm not sure where i'm gonna hang this when i get it framed. i am thinking of making a spot somewhere around here into a lil Clara tribute wall, but WHERE is a good question!

    too much stuff, not enough walls, i need more walls!!

  6. She was so lovely. I know how it feels to be a fan and hold in your hands that little tiny piece of them.
