Monday, March 1, 2010

I Hate Goodbye's....

Especially to an old friend...

Our family kitty had to be put down today. She would've been 20 years old this summer!

She was always a skinny little thing!

She was all black until one year she got some sort of infection on her leg and when her fur grew back, it was white in that spot, kind of an L shape. I always said it stood for "lazy"

Her eyes were never really open all the way! She was part siamese so her voice was quite scratchy!

Stoopi - 1990-2010


  1. my heart goes out to you...

  2. Artman,

    Sorry to hear about the passing of Stoopi..she was a welcome part of your home for so many years! She's probably hangin out with Igor now!

  3. I am so sorry to hear this. I know what it feels like to lose a family pet. Stoopi looks exactly like my cat who also passed Shadow.
    Here's a hug for you...

  4. So sorry to hear about your sweet cat. Hope things get better soon.

  5. So sorry for your loss. It's hard to lose a good friend.

  6. What a sweet looking cat. So sorry. How nice to have had twenty years of life though. That's a good run for a cat :-)

  7. TY all for taking the time to comment!

  8. Aw poor Stoopi. Lived to a right old age, I bet she nommed a good few tins of cat food in her day.

  9. That sucks. Sorry to hear about your loss. Two cats here, and can't imagine them not being around.

  10. I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your beautiful cat. Maybe down the road you'll find and be comforted by a kitty--maybe at the local shelter?--and have 20 more good years as one of those blessed to be a cat's "person" and companion.

  11. I am so sorry for your families loss. We have a black princess of our own who is 10 years old, and I would be lost without her. Cats have such STRONG personalities and most often than not live life on their terms not ours! I think that is why there is such a void when they are gone, but they always leave behind the best memories...

  12. I know how this kind of loss feels....... But, may I just say, having had many feline companions as part of the family: nearly "20 years old" seems like an incredible innings for a mog. Well done....... A long life, well-lived and all that.

  13. TY all for your comments! yes Stoopi lived to a right good old age! the Vet called her "Supercat" for years. they even sent my mom some flowers last week with a card and two small pieces of paper with Stoopi's paw prints on them! do vets normally do stuff like that?!?!?!?

  14. It feels rotten and painful that our pets live a short time compared to us, phooey on them.
    My heart goes out to you.


  15. Thanks Artman for this wonderful tribute to my beautiful cat. I still think I hear her around the house. Her ashes now reside in her favorite basket until we can bury her near the water garden overlooking Lake Champlain this summer. We miss her dearly! We should all be so lucky to live such a long, healthy and happy life!

  16. Sorry to hear about Stoopi. I know how you feel...
    aka Marble Riverbem

  17. I have two black cats so much like yours--I love them dearly. They are "Bombay" cats, which is what they call a breed created in the '50s, in Texas, by a rich woman. She bred Burmese blacks with American black short hairs. She wanted the new breed to have the golden eyes of the Burmese, and it is hard to get the new mix to breed "true". My two kitties are discards from a litter, sent to the Humane Society because they had the wrong eye color (green). It is very possible yours was a Bombay, as well. Try a google on "Bombay cats" and see what i mean.

  18. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your dear little kitty. *hugs* Stoopi reminds me of my Velvet, too.
