Sunday, April 11, 2010

A Moment of Clara-Tee...

I've been engaged in other activites I deem more important than blogging lately but lest my place become a ghostown, here's 2 more Clara Bow postcards I've gotten in the last few weeks.

I had always wondered what film it was that she wore this Gypsy fortune teller looking outfit. I have recently discovered that it's for the 1928 Elinor Glyn inspired film "Three Weekends", which as I've mentioned before, is considered lost.

No anecdotes, no trivia, she just looks freakin killer in this pic!


  1. That second one especially is a great photo.

  2. I'm going through all your back entries about Clara - we seem to have the same love for her! How wonderful that you have her autograph, too!

    Jen from Silent Stanzas / Flappers & Flickers ^_^

  3. I like the first photo! :)

  4. She is kinda fabulous. I must admit I had not heard of her before I met you but you have won me over.

  5. Her brave spirit, full of life, shines through every picture.
