Thursday, July 29, 2010

Happy Birthday Clara Bow!

The "IT" Girl was born on this day back in 1907, OR was it 1905?? IMDB lists her birth as 1905 as does David Stenn's excellent bio on her, "Running Wild", but both Clara's grave marker and a typed letter by her would lead one to believe she was actually born in 1907

Clara's last film, "Hoopla" was produced in 1933 and in the letter above she states that she left Hollywood at age 26, which would coincide with her being born in 1907.

A shot of Clara's grave marker. OK enough of that, below are reposts of all the Clara stills, postcards and other items in my collection, plus a couple of new ones at the end.

I still gotta get this autographed framed up with a picture....hmmmmmm which picture though???

The first image of Clara Bow I ever saw and still one of my favorites.

My one and only vintage Clara Lobby Card, so far.

Below are the 2 newest vintage postcards I've gotten in.

We shall surely never see her like again.


  1. A lovely post for a lovely woman! Happy birthday Clara darling!

  2. What lovely cards you have of her. Sweet post about a sweet underrated star :D thank you

  3. I adore Clara. She definitely had "it".

  4. Yay, happy birthday, Clara! Nice photos. I love everything about her.

  5. What a wonderful tribute. Thank you! I'm especially glad you included the long, moving letter she wrote--it shows her intelligence and sensitivity to others. Inspite of some personal troubles, she had a lively mind and a kind and loving heart.

  6. Great collection of photos! Happy belated birthday Clara Bow!

  7. What a wonderful collection you got there Paul ! some photos are new to me beautiful ! great post thanks for sharing.
