Thursday, July 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Olivia deHavilland...

To me Olivia is right up there with the best actresses of all time! Versatile, believable and beautiful she always gave dimension to a role even if it wasnt in the script!

Some vintage items from my collection to honor Olivia's 94th!

A publicity still for "Charge of the Light Brigade"

Vintage Title Lobby Card for 1938's wacky "Hard to Get"


Another postcard

A few misc ad tear sheets featuring Olivia

A George Hurrell portrait

Lobby Card for the film Olivia won her first Oscar for best Actress.

Title Lobby card for what is arguably her best ever performance and certainly had to be one of the most challenging.

Another lobby card for the "Snake Pit"


  1. Oh, I love Olivia! Her performance in The Snake Pit is incredible. I caught the movie randomely on TV once, and I'm really glad I did. Oh, and thanks for the comment on my Natalie Wood post! Like I said, I think she's pretty underrated today, so I always love coming across another big fan. I didn't like Marjorie Morningstar that much (nor did I like book), but I read it was a really important role to her personally, so it's definitely worth checking out at least once.

  2. i put Olivia in the class of Bette and Barbara, those are imo the 3 greatest actresses in film, ever and have appeared in some of the best films ever made. there is no one around today who can begin to equal what any one of those 3 ladies had

    Francy the best reason for me to see Marjorie Morningstar is that i dont think Natalie ever looked more beautiful in a color film than she did in that one.

  3. I haven't seen her appearance
    publicly since the 2003 Academy
    Awards, which was the 75th anniversary of the awards, in
    which she appeared.

  4. The Snake Pit - what a great performance!I love this movie.

  5. Hey, post something about Sandy Dennis... Don't you like her?
