Saturday, August 7, 2010

Artman's Bedroom Antics....Part II

More dirty goings on in my bedroom....

Finished installing the drywall in the small closet.

And framed out the drop-ceiling.

That's as far as I can go with that part of the room until the electrical wiring gets taken care of. So we go on the other side of the room.

Some gruesome "before" pics. Of course Lil Miss Pewfy Pants had to get into the picture!

Ever seen such a drab, dreary room in your life? UGH!

It looks better already! Pretty much all the drywall on the next 2 walls had to come out. In the long run it will save me work and lots of headaches. I'll find a way to make new headaches I'm sure but we do things one headache at a time around here!

I did the last of the Demolition work today and finished scraping the popcorn shit off the ceiling too.

The 2 electrical outlets on that wall are gonna be removed and a major built in bookcase is gonna go on each side of the window. I'll lose about 10 sq. ft. of floor but the slanted wall area is useless space for the most part anyway. I've wracked my bain for about a week now trying to come up with a workable design for the bookcases and last night it finally all seemed to click, so now I just have to figure out how to build it, what type of wood to use, how to tie it in to the rest of the room, etc, etc!

I even ripped out the drywall that framed out the windows, opting instead to make a wood casing. If what I have in my mind and what I've got down on paper comes out right, I wont even be able to hear myself think over the sound of how awesome it's gonna be!
But it wont be easy.......

1 comment:

  1. Good golly miss're taking on yet another renovation which I am excited to see the outcome of it! :D

    P.S. Pewfy had to be in the picture, of course! LOL
