Friday, August 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Alfred Hitchcock!

The Master of Suspense was born today in 1899...A few pics to celebrate an incredible artist and one of the true cinematic geniuses!

I always think of Hitchcock, Capra and Ford as being very similar film makers. Not in style or types of films obviously but those 3 artists more than any others of their day had an incredible ability to combine commercial sensibilty and personal expression.

Hitch was an incredibly savvy self-promoter and made damn sure he was as well-known and recognizable as any star that ever appeared in his films! One might go so far as to say the real true star of an Alfred Hitchcock film was Alfred Hitchcock!

I love this shot!

"Notorious", imo the best of the 4 films he made for David O. Selznick.

"You do my murder and I do yours...Criss Cross!"

Robert Walker in the performance of his career as psychopath Bruno Antony, a very clever fellow!

On the set of "Rear Window", like I have to tell anyone!

One of the Master's most enjoyable films for me. This was the one that started my obsession with Hitchcock when I was a teenager.

"Vertigo" probably contains my favorite Bernard Herrmann's score. He did so many great ones but that one just gets inside me!

A rather iconic moment for Cary Grant!

"My mother...what's the phrase....she's not herself today."

Tippi Hedren in "Marnie" one of the Masters most underrated films imo. No way can anyone take in all the things going on in this film in just one viewing!

Hitch's sense of humor was priceless!


  1. Happy birthday, Hitch! He was the first director I ever really got into. And I agree Marnie is totally underrated!

    Have you watched his appearance on What's My Line? on YouTube? It's hilarious!

  2. I think you're right about NOTORIOUS. To my mind it's got everything--dark cynical hero, traumatized heroine, Nazis, incredible kiss in a wine cellar, real danger, homicidal dowager, blazing rescue of damsel at last minute! All I can say is--WOW.

  3. Francy - no i havent seen it but i'll have to check it out. he was always hilarious in public appearances.

    Margaret - i agree with what you said and i'll add that it was all done with the utmost of style!
