Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Clara Bow Fragments...

A couple of weeks ago on TCM they played a special production called "Fragments" which showcased surviving bits and pieces of lost silent films. Of greatest interest to me was the fact they were playing the only known surviving footage from Clara Bow's only color film, 1928's "Red Hair". The footage was maddeningly short of course and was quite a bittersweet experience for me. On the one hand its NEW Clara Bow which is a treat no matter how you slice it!... but on the other hand it saddens me almost to tears to think that I may never see the entire film, or any of the other 3 films she made in 1928.

Anyway, here's some screen captures to enjoy...

Early 2-strip technicolor has a surreal look to it!

Dare I say no one in history has ever looked so adorable holding a fish?

Mark my words this is gonna become the basis of a drawing of mine sometime soon!

On the left is William Austin who also costarred with her in "It" in 1927.


  1. I know what you mean. I would love to see Red Hair, too. Seeing these photos is awesome though! She must have been so beautiful to see in person.

  2. THANK YOU FOR THESE!!! I am so happy right now I could plotz. LOL
