Sunday, June 5, 2011

Clara Bow....

I aquired this item recently, a vintage 8 x 10" still hand-signed by Clara Bow. Photo by the great Eugene Robert Richee. Now the search begins for the perfect frame for it!


  1. Love this! You always find the best memorabilia :)

  2. Wow!!! what a pretty girl she was.. and that was before all the plastic surgery they do today. Don't you think the surgery makes these women look like they forgot to take off their Halloween costumes?

  3. Yes, the plastic surgery ALWAYS looks wrong. How sad that women don't trust their real faces.

    Wonderful pix of Clara Bow, as always. She was so pretty, but the thing I always notice about her in movies and pictures is her expressiveness--always responding in a sensitive way.

  4. Terry you bring up a very good point - imo the rampant overuse of plastic surgery in hollywood today is not only ridiculous but very sad. WHO is telling these people they look better this way? when i see pics of people like Arnold and Maria, Meg Ryan or Sharon Stone its like i hear Arnold in the first Predator movie at the end when he looks at the dying creature and says "What da hell are you!"

    i agree Maragaret, Clara was a very expressive actress, its one reason she was so well suited to silent films.
