Sunday, June 26, 2011

Happy Birthday Eleanor Parker!

Born today back in 1922 - Beautiful, talented, glamorous, as an actress Eleanor was a true chameleon, rarely ever looking the same from role to role. She could play any type with credibility, is always an assett to any film she appeared in and has a beautiful voice to match her incredible face.

A scan of the cover of a French Movie magazine I have that I computer colored myself. I've seen several other pictures from this same photo session and have to say they are some of my all-time favorite pictures of a movie actress ever taken. Below are some other pics I have in my collection, a few with signatures!


  1. I remember fondly a movie she and Charlton Heston appeared in, 50's, called THE NAKED JUNGLE (!!!) Hubba hubba! Heston hadn't yet turned into a faux head on Mount Rushmore, and she was absolutely lovely, feisty and full of life. Which I hope she still is.

  2. i'm a big fan of Naked Jungle as well Margaret!

    of course i agree with you Joe!

  3. Me again. I really enjoy your photo collection. Eleanor was so pretty, and I have a feeling she is still pretty as a 90 year old woman. I'll bet she still has many traces of her younger self.

    I have seen "The Man with the Golden Arm" 3 times, and besides being completely blown away by Frank Sinatra's (should have won an Oscar!) performance, I have always been blown away by Eleanor's as well. I couldn't understand why she didn't even get an Oscar nomination for the role; then I realized she had been nominated for "Interrupted Melody" that same year and couldn't be nominated twice in the same category. Truly, I think she received the nomination for the wrong film.
