Thursday, July 7, 2011

more blogger bullshit!

can anyone out there explain to me WHY i can NOT comment on any of the newer blogs i have started following yet have no problem with the ones from way back? i try to post a comment and it direct me to sign in, then i do, then it brings me back to the page and i do the silly word verificiation and click enter and it redirects me to sign in again etc etc etc endless circle....anyone know a solution to this problem cuz i am just about at the end of my patience with blogspot software stupidity!


  1. I'm with you Artman...I'm about ready to pull the plug!

  2. "in a panic, dey pull da plug, leeaaaaaaahl!!!!!"
    fuck blogger, it shouldnt be a royal pain in the ass to leave a simple comment or post a stupid thing about some stupid thing on my own stupid blog page....too much stupidity here lately.

  3. I've been having the exact same issue! I feel your frustration ... something really stupid is going on.

  4. Sadly Francy its really getting to where i have NO motivation to blog anymore cuz it just ends up as yet another exercise in frustration! if i want that i'll watch "It's a Gift" with W.C. Fields, i dont need it here!

  5. I'm getting grief from 'em, too. me followers keep disappearing and then reappearing, sometimes I can comment on other sites but more often I can't, sometimes I can access comments on my own site but other times I can't. it's getting annoying.

    apparently, it's not just us, it's happening all over blogger. they need to sort it, soon. I'm fucking off, elsewhere, if not.

  6. Here's how to solve the comment issue:

    It worked for me. Good thing, I was about to go crazy!

  7. thanks KC that did actually work!!! there is hope in bloggerland yet!

  8. I'm glad it worked for you. I literally stood up and did a happy dance when I finally fixed it. So irritating!
