Friday, July 29, 2011

Remembering Clara Bow....

July 29th, 1907 - Sept 27th, 1965

In a review of the 1926 film "Mantrap", Photoplay magazine said "When she's onscreen nothing else matters! When she is off, the same is true!"

"They yell at me to be dignified! But what are the dignified people like, the people who are held up as examples to me? They are snobs, frightful snobs! I'm a curiosity in Hollywood, a big freak, because I am myself!" - Clara Bow


  1. Beautiful photos! Lovely tribute.

  2. Awww, love all these photos of her! I love how Clara is still really unique. There has never been anyone else like her.

  3. You just don't get stunning stars like Clara these days.
