Monday, May 28, 2012

The Return of Artmans Bedroom Antics Part II

Made lots of progress in the bedroom since the last update...

Wallpaper, both normal and the "fancy" stuff is now hung in the bed alcove area. That fancy shit was a PAIN IN THE ASS to deal with!

Also got the 2nd coat of polyurethane done on the ceiling

Base color for the design is done, now comes the FUN part!

Taping off the lighter color...

About 3 hours later...

About 5-6 hours later, I lost track...

Rolled on the 2nd color

Finally its done! There will be moulding pieces between the wallpapers and design area to set them apart from each other. They cant go on until the baseboard is installed.

This design was inspired (i.e. stolen, haha) from the "By A Waterfall" number in WB "Footlight Parade"

Sadly the numerous bathing beauties arent included *sigh*

Now I'm working on the wooden header panel for the opening of the alcove area and also deciding if I'm gonna paint or paper the big closet.


  1. It looks amazing. I love how you can pull out tiny design details from a film. I cant hardly see the wall design in By a Waterfall! Keep going!

  2. thank you Selly! you can see it better in the film than in that one picture i posted...obviously it caught my eye haha!

  3. Oh wow! It is incredible! How in the world did you tape off that pattern so precisely? I would have lost my mind!! Well, it looks gorgeous, darling. <3 What a lovely, lovely bedroom you're going to have. It's going to look like a Hollywood mansion from the Golden Era. And, I'm sure you can snag some "bathing beauties" to finish off the decor in no time, really. ;)

  4. thank you Sunny! you cant really see in the pictures but i had to measure and mark everything in pencil first. that took quite a bit of time in itself. as for the bathing beauties, i'll start checking ebay haha!

  5. Better just check LOL I'm teasing. Those women are gold diggers and bitches.

  6. haha no i need sugarmamas dot com! then i can start living the lifestyle i KNOW i could get accustomed to!

  7. Wow!! Beautiful. You sure are putting a lot of work into that. Can't wait to see when it is totally finished

  8. haha me either! thanks for taking a look!
