Thursday, February 7, 2013

New Art..Ann Dvorak!

I just finished this last night, a graphite portrait of the great Ann Dvorak. I've had her on my list for a long time and was recently motivated to get this piece done by Christina over at Ann Dvorak: Hollywood's Forgotten Rebel who's been doing a post on Ann every day as part of her "A Year of Ann Dvorak" Blogathon and asked if anyone wanted to contribute. Also recently I watched "The Strange Love of Molly Louvain" one of Ann's few starring vehicles at WB and I really enjoyed the film...couple that with the fact that I watch "Three on a Match" once every 3 or 4 months or so and yeah, time for a picture of Ann! Tech stuff: 2H and HB pencils and a bit of white pastel pencil on 13" x 17" tinted canson paper


  1. Wow--the detail is amazing! I'm putting this on Pinterest!

  2. What an incredibly beautiful piece of art! Ann is positively stunning! I am very impressed with your talents. And am I correct in assuming your name is Paul?

    Wow, a year-long blogathon devoted to one person! What an awesome undertaking! Puts my 4-day John Garfield blogathon to shame. I am going to pop by just to read a few posts. Miss Dvorak was terrific in every film I've seen her in.

  3. thank you both for your comments! yes my name is Paul, i actually just started a facebook page just for my art, heres a link if you wanna check it out:

    Christina over at the Ann Dvorak page has written a bio on her which should be published later this year! That should prove to be a very interesting read!

  4. I have a FB account, but I rarely use it and am considering deleting my account, so I probably will not be following your page. I did, however, pin this beautiful creation to the "Hollywood's Golden Years" board on my Pinterest page.

    Wow, it's beautiful. You are a very gifted man!

    Oh, Vermont is one of the 9 U.S. states I've never been to. Was in New Hampshire, Maine, and Mass. back in 2003, but we didn't get to Vermont.

  5. Nice!!! Her draw hair so beautifully! Excellent work :)

  6. Patti - thanks for "pinning" my picture! its very pretty here in the late spring to early fall

    thank you Jennifer :D
