Monday, March 4, 2013

Happy 100th Birthday John Garfield!

"Julie" has been in my top echelon of favorite actors pretty much since the very first film I ever saw him in, that being "Gentleman's Agreement", a film he promptly stole from his co-stars with only a few scenes. My interest started when I was watching Martin Scorses's classic "Mean Streets" and at one point while toasting a friend on his way to "Nam" Harvey Keitel says: "In the words of the immortal John Garfield, get 'em in the eyes, get 'em in the eyes"...I wanted to know why Scorsese was quoting some actor I had barely heard of and after seeing just a few of his films, I understood! He left us way too soon but he sure did some fine work while he was here and certainly set a precedent for guys like Brando and Dean. Here's to ya Julie!


  1. I love this photo! It's one of my faves.

    You already know that we are on the same page with regard to Julie. He was a sensational actor, and that he is largely underknown today is quite tragic in my mind.

    I am with you on "Gentleman's Agreement." Gregory Peck may have had the starring role, but Garfield stole the show!

  2. we are def on the same page! nice to know i am not alone! i cant recall when i bought my JG autograph but it was before ebay was around so yeah must be close to 20 years ago...we go back a ways, Julie and i ;)
