Monday, March 11, 2013

New Fun Stuff!!!

I recently acquired 4 new classic movie star sigs... at righteous prices btw  hehe whoooooopeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

WB great workhorse actress Glenda Farrell

My fave lady of the screen lately, Loretta Young

Sally Eilers, co starred with Richard Barthelmess in William Wellman's "Central Airport" and later with Warren William in "Strange Illusion" 

and the great character actor Mr. Robert Barrat! These last 3 all came from the same autograph book and were signed sometime in the 1930's. Now I need to find some nice vintage photos to frame these up with, all except Mr Robert Barrat...

I picked up this still of Mr. Robert Barrat from WB "Mountain Justice" quite some time ago and its just been sitting here waiting for a nice signature to be framed up with!!!

and *ahem* thank you blogger for not breaking my fucking balls with this post, for ONCE!


  1. Awesome addition to your collection! Where do you find these kinds of things? Antique stores? Or online?

    When I was a kid (in the 60's), I wrote to Ken Curtis (of Gunsmoke fame). I had a huge crush on him...strange person to crush on, I know, but it's the truth. He sent me an autographed photo, and you know what I did with it! Threw it away. My friends laughed at me for crushing on him, so I got rid of the picture. I think that is the only star autograph I have ever had.

  2. 99% of my collecting finds are from ebay. thats too bad you tossed that Ken Curtis pic :( I know of him from the John Ford films he's in and hes made his mark on me cuz whenver i say the word fiance' i say it like "fy-ancee" like he did in the Searchers :D

  3. What has Blogger been doing to you?

  4. all kinds of things...changing spacing on text and photos, moving stuff from one side to the other for no reason, putting pics out of the order i added them. blogger software is a nightmare.

  5. Yeah, I have run into that myself, my dear Artman. Not so much lately, but at times in the past, I could not change the color of linked text to what I wanted it to be, and copying stuff first produced with MS Word on my computer would sometimes come up with some really ugly spacing--regardless of what changes I tried to make on either end.

    I recently started having a lot of trouble with publishing a re-write of one of my books where the original had been. Since the text contained a lot of links, I was thrilled to find (before) that something published as a Google Doc (now Drive) could be copied and pasted to a Blogger piece, complete with any links remaining in place. Ah, but when I went to do that this the last time, the formatting on the Blogger piece was really off, and all of my efforts to correct it were being resisted to the nth degree. The solution to the problem was to completely delete what remained on the HTML page after the old text was deleted from the COMPOSE side. For this allowed the Blogger server to see the piece as being completely different after the content was pasted into the blank compose box.

  6. its MADNESS!!!! in all these years they havent fixed any of these issues but they keep adding bells and whistles and just making it worse it seems.
