Saturday, June 15, 2013

"The Desk" lives on!!!

For those that have followed this blog for any length of time you're probably aware of my love of a particularly stylish and awesome Art Deco desk that has, so far, been spotted in 4 Warner Bros films from the early 1930's... STILL exists!
While doing some random searches last night for Art Deco furniture I stumbled upon a few pics of a piece that bared a striking resemblance to the beloved "Desk"...after going to the source pages I found that, lo  and behold, it was the actual desk itself!

Lovingly restored to its former glory by the people at Art Deco 

The pic above is the Desk as it appeared when they bought it. Someone had covered the sides with metal and made it appear to look like wood. 

When they took the top off they became aware of this and removed the metal side to reveal those beautiful stylish wraparound ribbed ends!

more restoration pics

I wrote off to the site and was told they had no idea of the origins of the desk nor that it had been featured in any films. They did there own detective work and tried to restore it to what they felt was its original condition by using clues within the desk itself. After posting the desk on their site they were contacted by someone who informed them about it appearing in "Beauty and the Boss"!

Apparently this desk was owned by Columbia Pictures boss, Harry it ended up in all those WB films is a puzzler! Anyway, Read the full story on their site! 

And then kneel in reverence to the almighty DESK!


  1. OH.MY.GOODNESS! I can't believe you found the desk. That is so cool Paul. And I also can't believe someone would want to cover that gorgeous Art Deco style. Dumb-dumb! They did a fantastic job restoring it. I'm envious of whoever bought it. Would love a stylish piece of Art Deco furniture. Especially once with such an important past in Hollywood!

  2. i agree, covering that up was quite silly indeed! there is plenty of vintage Deco furniture out there and some of it at not bad prices either. thanks for commenting!

  3. This is AMAZING! So happy it was found and restored to its gorgeous Art Deco glory!
