Monday, December 9, 2013

RIP Eleanor Parker

June 26, 1922 - December 9, 2013


  1. I felt like I got hit with a ton of bricks when I heard the news. I'd honestly never even heard of her until TCM made her Star of the Month back in June, but between her sheer talent and stunning looks she immediately became my all-time favorite actress. Shame she never got the widespread recognition that she deserved. RIP, Eleanor.

  2. So many beautiful photos, Paul!

    As you know, I adore Eleanor, and I was brought to tears by the news that she passed away.

    I am interrupting Christmas movie viewing to watch one of her films tonight, and I have interrupted my blog break to pay tribute to her.

    Thanks for sharing so many lovely photos of our beloved Eleanor.

  3. Patti - yes i remembered how much you liked her. I interrupted the last leg of Lettathon 2013 to watch her in Detective Story because that was the first of her films i ever saw.

    Mad Englishman - awesome name btw haha! its up to us now to keep her name from fading into obscurity altogether! I was glad that TCM finally gave her the SOTM treatment, not because they showed anything i hadnt already seen, but because i knew it would fetch her a few new fans and i was right wasnt i!

  4. I thought you would put together an amazing tribute! Though it's sad to know we'll never get to meet her, 91 is a good run. Maybe some new people will discover her now. I certainly feel like rediscovering a few of her gems myself. She was one of the best, too good even.

  5. Wow! She was such a stunning woman. God Speed Eleanor!
