Monday, September 21, 2009

It's My Potty and I'll Cry If I Want To - Part V...

On and on it goes....

I spent all weekend working on this thing and I got a LOT done. Here you can see the walls around the shower are painted and taped off for painting the accent lines.

Accent lines all done, yay! I do have a new chrome shower curtain rod but that wont go in until I get a new liner to put in.

Nearly all the trim is done around the counter and above now. Just a few small things left. Dealing with all these little fragile pieces of wood is kinda nerve-wracking! I also stained and permanently installed the mirror header apparatus. I havent wired those side lights back up because I finally found some decent looking ones that were affordable to take their place. I should have them by the end of the week I hope. They are Hella-Cool!! I also painted the slanted wall behind the counter and put the accent color on each side edge. I may put some across the top and bottom edges as well but I wont be sure until I get the mirror hung in there so I left it for now. The counter backsplash is installed as well. The sides wont get put in until after the paneling has 2 coats of polyurethane on it.

All the baseboards around the terlet are done. I didnt really want to replace all those but whoever installed them before did such a shit job, one of them even had some paint from a runaway roller smeared across it and they just put polyurethane right over it!! Ummmm, hello, paint (or paper) the walls FIRST then put the baseboard on, or at least try to clean off your paint goobers before you go any further, sheesh!
I still cant decide what to put in that corner. I've looked all over online for a corner shelf or cabinet and all I can find is particle-board-made-in-China crap. It was suggested to me that I put a small fridge in the corner and a TV on the counter because this is gonna be the nicest room in the house now! What'll probably happen is I'll end up building something of my own to go there.... one more project for the list!


  1. That corner's begging for the litter pan! Duh!! His and her terlets.

  2. litter pan? blah, how unsophisticated can you get! my little kitty gets a Booda-Dome! i think i'm gonna go out and buy her a nice shiny new gold colored one to match the wallpaper, woo hoo!
    of course it does go in that corner but there's still lots of room above it you know, duh!

  3. I guess that's so. But how'd you like some heavy shelving or somesuch hanging over your head while you're taking care of business?
    What the heck's a Booda Dome? Gotta go check.

  4. Gorgeous, Paulie! Love those colors with the wallpaper - very warm. The paneling is phenomenol. Have you checked into Ikea? Hell, they might even have a Swedish Booda-dome (Gotta' look that one up myself....). I still want to know when you sleep.

  5. @ Donna--
    Of course, genius never sleeps!

    ...until genius gets worn down, that is...Feel better, Artman!

  6. hha, genius! you know i've been telling people that for years but no one listens!
    actually that reminds me of a funny little scene on a TV show i saw years ago. some guy was at his g/f's apt. and one of her roomates there was this guy who basically just sat around in bum clothes all day doing nothing... so the b/f guy asks him "what do you do?" and he's said "THIS is what i do...i observe life, i'm on a genius grant" and the b/f guy says "You're a genius?!?!?!?" to which he replies... "well, i was that night with the woman who gives out the genius grants"

  7. Oh, wait!
    You knew I meant "genius" as in
    "Hey, Genius! Don't you know the body and mind need sleep to function properly?" Right?
    Heh heh heh....
    We can't have you thinking anyone suddenly began listening to, now can we? That could lead to all manner of mayhem. ;P

  8. dont try to wiggle out of it now missy!
