Monday, September 28, 2009


A few scans of Gary Cooper for J.B. because she asked so nicely.

Coop in "The Virginian", 1929.

With Marlene Dietrich in "Morocco", 1930.

Striking a manly pose in William Wellman's extremely manly 1939 production of "Beau Geste".

I thought Coop had some of the best cowboy duds ever in William Wyler's classic "The Westerner", 1940

Coop won his 2nd Oscar as best actor for his excellent performance in Fred Zinnemann's "High Noon". A well-made film on every level but story-wise, not very high in the believability factor....hmmmmmmmmmm..OK, stay and fight bad guys or go on honeymoon with Grace Kelly....ummmmm, well no offense but...See ya!!!!

1 comment:

  1. ...and (don't forget) waited so patiently...Thanks, Artman.

    Love that last one especially! Yummy! But look at it this way: a man who'll stay and fight bad guys and probably has a delayed honeymoon that will be that much hotter (wink, wink). He'll also probably come back from that honeymoon to a lot fewer headaches. :)
