Tuesday, September 29, 2009

It's My Potty and I'll Cry If I Want To - Part VI...

A quick update at Potty central...

I didnt get much done this week because of feeling under the weather but I had to at least do something so I decided to paint a design on the wall above the shower. Here's the first Phase of it all taped off for paint.

And there it is painted!

And there it is with the tape removed. Total labor time about 2 hours.

Let that dry overnight and then tape off for Phase II!

And there it is all done (except for a few lil touch-ups). Much better than plain boring walls I think! This same motif will get painted in some fashion on the slanted walls above the counter and in the washer dryer area as well.

I also got my new lights and installed them, a vast improvement I think!

I KNOW none of you could stand it if I didnt show how they look turned on!

next update will detail the linen closet torture...


  1. LOVE the design on the shower wall!

    Could you do a pull back on the sink area so we can see what the whole thing looks like with lights on, too, please? (batting eyelashes) Or are you saving that for the "big reveal"? ("Mathilda, MOVE THAT BOODA DOOOOOME!") ;)

  2. Saludos desde EspaƱa!!!!!!!

    Regards from Spain!!!!

