Sunday, November 22, 2009

Eleanor Parker... Part IV

More on the great Eleanor Parker...

Eleanor looking quite ravishing in a publicity shot for MGM's rousing 1952 Technicolor production of "Scaramouche". This was the first film under her new contract at MGM and to say she makes her presence known in this picture is putting it mildy! I think few who've seen it would argue with me when I say that her feisty characterization and stunning looks stole the show hands down!

A vintage Lobby Card for "Scaramouche" I just picked up a few weeks ago. This film apparently contains the screens longest sword duel and believe me it does tend to go on! Eleanor wore very eleaborate long red-haired wigs for her character in this but she liked how she looked as a redhead so much that, other than a few exceptions, she appeared as a redhead for the rest of her career.

Yup, another autographed still!

A vintage lobby card I have for director John Sturges' excellent "Escape from Fort Bravo". Sturges of course the legendary director of "Bad Day at Black Rock", "Gunfight at O.K. Corral", "The Magnificent Seven" and "The Great Escape" among others. A great cast headed by Parker, William Holden and John Forsythe, some rousing action sequences and blazing color cinematography by Robert Surtees highlight this solid western. Eleanor once again received great critical notices for her convincing performance.

Holy crap, not another autographed still?!

and there's more where that came from....


  1. I've been enjoying this series. It's so nice to see Ms. Parker getting some attention! I loved her Scaramouche performance the most. She had so much charisma and energy in that role--not mention that she'd never been more gorgeous.

  2. glad you're enjoying it KC! i am very happy to be able to give her the spotlight in my little corner of the web here. she's ben a fave of mine for many years now and probably always will be. i couldnt pick a favorite role like you can though, i enjoy so many of them!

    thanks 2vs8, and same to you!

  3. I just wonder what made the women then look so much more beautiful than actresses today. They didnt look forced then. You were either pretty or you werent. Now they cant seem to stay out of the boxtox office and even throwing parties for it.

    I just love your blog. My 3 most favorite actresses would have to be, Bette Davis, Angela Lansbury (UGH SATURDAY THE PICTURE OF DORIAN GRAY WILL BE ON TCM AT 12 AM) and Ida Lupino!

  4. I love the first picture!
