Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cool New Stuff...

These came into my posession today...

I did a trade with a small used furniture store around the corner from me... my nice-looking but chintzy made-in-china-out-of-particle-board-and-pine Bob's discount furniture store bedroom set that I bought new almost 8 years ago for this vintage Art Deco Waterfall dresser and a matching vanity table.

The condition is pretty good, especially considering the age. This stuff was built to last that's for sure! The veneer work is all very much intact except near the bottom (as always) where there are some chips broken away.

Not sure what actual use I have for this but it sure is cool-looking! The store owner was glad to let these go because they had been sitting in her store for over a year with no takers! My thoughts are because it wasnt a full set, not many people had use for it.

My new friends!!!!!! Now to keep my eyes open for a night table that can go with it! I have little hope to find a headboard to match as it seems there were very few if any queen-size beds made back then. I'll just have to make one myself i guess...*sigh*

Too much OT lately, but I'm hoping to do a new potty renovations update post soon and to continue my Eleanor Parker tribute as well. All this work and no fun is getting on my freakin' nerves!!!


  1. OK Ok are you ****ing kidding me? these pieces are absolutely beautiful! So envious right

  2. These pieces are so beautiful! They'll make you happy every time you look at them.

  3. and here we are 5 days later and they're still sitting empty!

    Margaret i caught your comment to my Anita page post, i totally agree with your thoughts on her! I think she stole the show in all 3 of the Crawford 'Dancing Daughters' pictures. she seemed just as natural in talking pictures as she was in silents too.

  4. Yes, the Dancing Daughters pictures are something special. I remember being startled by Anita Page's range in the last one, "Our Blushing Brides"--when her innocent shopgirl is betrayed by the rich boy. She plays those last scenes so quietly, with such unspoken despair, that her suicide is truly heartbreaking. I'd known Page had strength and energy, but hadn't known she had such delicacy and depth.

  5. once again we agree Margaret! i gotta get out those Dancing Daughter films, it's been ages since i've seen them. they're all well worth seeing not just for Anita but seeing the transformation of "Flapper" Crawford into "depression-era" Crawford is fascinating.

  6. Artman, that is a good lookin' dresser. I've seen these sets around over the years, but the condition on this one looks ace!

  7. the condition aint bad mr River, very acceptable in fact, especially for the price!

    thanks for stopping by!

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