Saturday, November 14, 2009

Louise Brooks....

Louise was born on this day in 1906. Here's a colored pencil portrait I did of her last year.

They Had Faces....


  1. LOVE this! Ok. This one has bumped Billiard Bitches out of the top slot for me.
    Thanks for sharing and Happy 103 to LB.

  2. Artman,

    A beautiful drawing! Lovely just to think of her!

  3. Nice! The 14th seems to be a bigger day than I originally thought; I think at least two other movie actors were born on this day, as well.

  4. The drawing is fascinating--it really captures her essence. I always have mixed feelings of admiration and sadness when I think of Louise Brooks. To me, she was an exquisitely gifted actress who was criminally wasted, underused and misused--but in large part through her own choices. Some might say she was uncompromising--but self-destructiveness (like alienating Pabst, who'd given her the role of a lifetime)was part of it. It's hard to think of any other actress who was so gifted, intriguing, and troubled.

  5. ty all for the comments. yes it seems Louise was quite often her own worst enemy!
    Clara Bow was another troubled star who had so much talent and star power, yet was rarely given vehicles worthy of her ability.

  6. Oh, wow, I really like this! It's a perfect likeness of her, and that picture that you drew from is one of my favorite portraits - I think it's very "her."

    And Margaret - that's a perfect way of putting it.

  7. Oh yeah, and here are some quotes I've put together for her birthday:

  8. Happy Birthday Louise! You perfectly captured her timeless beauty and allure.

  9. Whoa-- that's marvelous-- thought it was a photo from an old magazine at first.

  10. TY for the comments. those were some great quotes from Louise...she must have been a fascinating person to know and talk to!

  11. She's very fascinating to me. She was so brilliant. If you want to read a good biography of her, try Louise Brooks by Barry Paris, it has pretty much everything you'd ever want to know about her, and it's the best nonfiction book ever!

  12. heheh already read that about a year ago. one of the best bio's i've read yet, really couldnt put it down! her own 'Lulu in Hollywood' is also a really great read.

    click the Louise Brooks tab at the bottom of my post and you'll see some of the other stuff i've posted this past year. i mentioned that bio somewhere in there.... i think!

  13. Not too late to comment on this I hope...

    What a wonderfully sensitive portrait! Great job!

  14. never too late! ty so much for your kind words!

  15. Wow that's lovely; a really good picture.

    I love Louise Brooks & have 2 pictures of her in my bedroom - such an icon.

    Just found your blog through A Classic Film Blog & am really enjoying it. x
