Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Happy Birthday to Me!

A few sultry lovelies to help me celebrate me Boithday!

One of my all-time faves, Ann Sheridan - "The Oomph Girl"

A publicity shot of Ava Gardner for "The Killers". Ava and Ann Sheridan were similiar in that they were both farm girls who won beauty contests, got brought to Hollywood, started out as just extremely fine window dressing but grew to become fine actresses as well.

Jean Peters

The eternally awesome Haji!

Ok now I get drunk, smoke peace pipe, shoot Buffallo....


Daddy Squeeze Me! said...


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!

Manel said...


Ginger Ingenue said...

Oh, Happy Birthday, Paulie!! :)

Raquel Stecher said...

Feliz Cumpleanos.

Lemmy Caution said...

Haji ! ! Very nice!

Happy Bday! Don't bogart that peace pipe...

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I heart Haji! She was such a babe! :)

Francy said...

Happy birthday! It's my birthday too, lol!

Artman2112 said...

happy b-day to you D!

TY Kate, Manel, Ginger, Quelle!

Lemmy - that was just an 'in joke' about the pipe, i never partake of that sort of thing.

Blue - Haji is totally awesome, you have good taste!

Francy - wow 2 blog followers with the same b-day as me! i hope you have a great one!

Ash, The Movie Geek said...

A very belated Happy Birthday to you.
Hope it was lovely.

Artman2112 said...

a little late to the party but thanks for showing up!