Monday, March 22, 2010

"I Really Shouldn't but...."

That's what my grandmother says whenever she's dishing out some fatty sweet desert for herself...(but she still eats it of course!)

I said the same thing when I bid on the item below...

This just arrived this afternoon, a vintage Lobby Card (11"x14") for Clara Bow's 1928 film "Three Week Ends". Sort of a momentous occasion for me... my first piece of Clara Bow movie paperware, my first pre-1930 movie paperware AND my first silent film paperware as well. My earliest Lobby Cards up to now were from 1933.

The condition of this card is simply amazing! To think this piece of paper is 82 years old and has nary a pinhole or fold in it and the colors are still bright is quite extraordinary! The price was higher than I've ever paid for a lobby Card before but well below what I thought it would end out at. I figured for sure this would end up in at least the $300 range but in truth I was the only bidder and it went for less than half that!

Suffice it to say this is going in a frame within the next 5 minutes!


Unca Jeffy said...

Congatulations. It looks great!

Brenda said...

Congratulations! What a steal! Some lobby cards can hit into the thousands of dollars and in that condition?!? Where has it been all these years? You are a lucky man!

Lemmy Caution said...

Very cool looking card!

Francy said...

That's a super nice card! I love all the colors, and think it's amazing that it's still in such great shape. I hope you enjoy it!!

Meredith Grau said...

Totally worth it. That will be something for you to treasure for years to come. A real piece of history! :)

erika sorocco said...

Oh, that card is gorgeous - the colors are just stunning! Congratulations on snagging such a beautiful piece!

And I love your grandmother's words. My mom is the same way..."I really shouldn't, but..." :)