Dennis Hopper
May 17th, 1936 - May 29th, 2010

Some screenshots from a few recently viewed films...
I am kinda stuck in silent film mode lately! Within the last 2 weeks I've watched "Seventh Heaven" and "Street Angel" both directed by Frank Borzage and starring Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell and "Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" and "Tempest" starring John Barrymore...
"Seventh Heaven" is a must-see for silent film lovers! It pours on the sentiment REAL heavy and Charles Farrell is about as subtle as a sledge-hammer but it's very well done and Janet Gaynor is just so amazing one gets caught up in their story instantly!
Been a long time since I posted anything of my own here....that it's following on the heels of a Frazetta post means either I have guts or I'm an idiot!
Title: "Burn - Clara Bow Opus 7"
I've been working on this steadily for nearly 2 months now and just finished it this past Sunday. Ths is actually the 3rd version of this pose I've tried within the last 8 or 9 years but the other 2 just never came out right to me. I knew i'd go for it again someday and I think I finally have this picture out of my system!
Colored pencil and neocolor II crayons (b/g only) on 22" x 28" museum board.
As for the nasty watermark, you can thank the dipshit who decided to repost entire years of my blog without giving me credit for it!
Putting the spotlight on one of my fave Warner Bros. starlets of the early 1930's...
Perhaps some of you remember her from "The Picture Snatcher" or "The St Louis Kid" with James Cagney or "Snowed Under" or "Stranded" with George Brent? All totalled, lovely Patricia appeared in 42 films in a 7 year period! Her early appearances were small uncredited roles in films like "Three on a Match" and "42nd Street" but soon after she was co-starring with Cagney, Brent, Paul Muni and others. She was especially good in "The St Louis Kid", proving quite a worthy adversary to Cagney and looking good doing it too!
This weekend I watched 2 films that she made towards the end of her short career, "Postal Inspector", a rather forgettable B-picture co-starring Ricardo Cortez and Bela Lugosi and "Back Door to Heaven", a fascinating, exceedingly downbeat but worthwhile drama starring the great character actors Wallace Ford, Aline MacMahon and Van Heflin. Patricia gives an earnest performance and its a shame she only made 1 more film after this one. The pic above is a vintage 5" x 7" promo picture I picked up several years ago. The signature is a fascimile.
I've been slacking terribly in my movie watching again but tonight I stepped away from the art table and treated myself to "Lucky Star" a simple and beautiful silent film directed by Frank Borzage at Fox studio in 1929 and starring frequent co-stars Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell.
I dont like "spoilers" myself, so I wont go into the story but I will say this was really a treat, a beautifully realized production on every level and I recommend it very highly to silent film lovers!
They did indeed have faces then...