YES I am STILL renovating my bedroom! Lets just say that work, art commisions, movie-watching, lazyness and other various and sundry distractions kept me out of there for several months... but it was high time I got back in there and have made some good progress since the last blog entry...which was over a year ago!

Even Mathilda a.k.a. "Miss Pewfy Pants" is in shock that I am working in there again!

First thing I had to do was finish off the sheet rock! I had to remove and reinstall a new moisture barrier because the other one was totally wrecked. This time its sealed up nice and tight!

Then I framed out the overhangs on each side of the window...these will have a light in each side to illuminate the built-in bookcases under them. I also wired a light to go in the dormer window area, which always was just sort of a black hole in the room before, now it can be a focal point!

Next up I had to start on the first I was just going to do a regular white ceiling with criss-crossing beams but after much ponderance I decided that was far too common place and dreary, so I came up with an alternate plan...paneled ceiling with geometric designs in each takes about 6 hours to do each far 2 are done in the main ceiling area. I like it!

I also got most of the walls sanded and primed, ready for wallpaper or paint or a combo thereof. I want to get the bed alcove area in shape so I started on that ceiling as well.

2 full days work on that and its close to done, just one more coat of satin polyurethane. I am not sure if I like how dark the poly made the unstained panels, so i may decide to paint them with a color to match the walls instead of leaving them natural. It all looks very, very busy right now but I think that's partly because the rest of the room is just primer and partly because it is...busy!

The "Secret closet" all sanded and ready for primer, that was NOT fun!

Yeah its really shaping up in there, haha!

This arrived yesterday, my accent wallpaper for the back wall of the bed alcove area...hella cool! Hand silk screened from Bradbury & Bradbury custom wallpapers, very nice company to deal with but it aint cheap! Thankfully I only needed ONE roll!
This weekend I plan to get the rest of the room primered (I ran out before!), finish urethaning the alcove ceiling and getting that accent wallpaper ready to hang up...