After nearly 9 months of on and off work my "Billiard Bitches" were finally finished and framed just in time for the Champlain Islands Artists Organization 2009 Art Show on the weekend of July 24th!
The official title of the piece is "Ball Breakers".

I used a combination of dry and water-soluable colored pencils and quite a bit of water soluable crayons as well. All done on 4-ply museum board.
When you get down to it, it's a damn silly piece, and I had fun with all the different design elements and symbolism.

It wasnt done intentionally but as I progressed on the piece I noticed the personalities of these 3 ladies kinda came to life. The one on the left is most certainly a dominant type, and this one above is submissive (the ring on her collar cinched that deal!) and the middle one, she can go either way!
All 3 scans as it would look matted up.
Here's me and "Little Miss Pewfy Pants" with the framed piece on my wall. It's 66" long and 22" wide and really heavy! The matt had to be made in 3 pieces because I couldnt find anyone with matt board big enough to cut it out of one piece. I used 100lb wire to hang it just to be safe! Between cutting the matts and putting it all together in the frame I'd estimate I spent about 8 hours of time on that alone! Better than paying someone else to do it that's for sure!
Here it is on display at the show along with "Sleepless", my pretty little "Quazelfly" and some portfolio pieces. As usual I was the only Colored Pencil artist there and one of only 3 or 4 male artists out of over 50! I ended up taking best in show along with 2 other artists in the non-watercolor painting and drawing category so that was nice! I was quite amused though that one of the spectators at the show took it upon herself to write in her LEAST favorite as well (ME of course!). The women who run the show were worried I might be offended but I laughed and said "Why should I be?, who do you think she's gonna remember more, her faves or the one she hated so much she had to write in a spot for it on her ballot slip?"
on to the next project!