I finished this one up the other night. Took about 3 months on and off.
Approx 13" x 16" all colored pencil on Vellum surface Bristol paper. I still dont have a title for the piece.
Inspired by Clara Bow but inadvertantly ended up looking a bit like a friend of mine as well!
At any rate, I like her!
I second the wow! Alluring sweet :D Love it
WOW WOW WOW ...I never realized how totally great an artist that you were. I need to commission something from you...beatiful colors and shade and the art deco background..not just sweet but super sweet
TY all for taking the time to comment, it is much appreciated!
Cal, drop me a line anytime if you're serious about having a piece done. i do accept Canadian currency too, heehee.
We don't call them "colored pencils" these days, we say "pencils of color". Anyhow, nice work Artman, one your best (that I've seen).
I should buy some bristol paper, since I use pencil crayons on regular sketch pad paper and the results aren't quite as saturated.
I know this is an old post but I just had tell you how much I love this.
I was just clicking on your posts marked art deco,( which I love ) and also found that you bought the extact same dressing table I have, which I also found in a sale room.
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